Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Geir Haug
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Skien, Norway
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Ranold As (Acona Flow Technology)
Porsgrunn, Norway
Momentum Industrial
Oslo, Norway
Zen Consulting As
Rykkinn, Norway
Skistad Elektroautomasjon As
Elektronix As
Lysaker, Norway
Ite Østerhus As
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Kristiansand, Norway
Nærbø Sveis As
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Bryne, Norway
Ko Ja
Terrible service. If you say that to owner, you will be beaten and kicked out from there
Caldenby Competence As
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Kleppestø, Norway
Sigve Næss
Kjempeflinke folk :)
Ndt Partner As
Randaberg, Norway
Ikm Inspection As
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Sandnes, Norway
Kristian Mathiassen
Best employer I've had so far!
Compendia As
Ccd As
Ålgård, Norway
Thorsen Gruppen
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Bergen, Norway
Arnstein Dale
God service og oppfølging
Hydraco As
Stavanger, Norway
Aanestad Service As
Trustfeed Score 4.8
jim wick
Topp service
Lars Aabø, Msc
Tananger, Norway
Technimar As
Trondheim, Norway
Momentum Technologies
Minso - Midt-Norsk Sikkerhetsopplæring As
Sensorita As
Alwan Quality Control
Aggreko Norway As
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Nordkisa, Norway
Thorsen Maskin Og Miljø As
Fjell, Norway
Tfmc As
Fireco As
Fredrikstad, Norway
Kesir Ijaz
Unitech Power Systems As
Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway
Øst Inspeksjon As
Sarpsborg, Norway
Nortic As – Ndt Og Inspeksjonstjenester
bjørn Larsen
Ss Automation As
Hamar, Norway
Ch.houdayer Houdayer
24/7 ydmyke og de beste
Nnn Avd. 5
Bea Norge As
Moss, Norway
Kjell Johnny Eftedal
Larvik, Norway
Arne Hylland Bye
Vinje, Norway
Odne Andreas Oksavik
Kjell Erik Myreng
Ove M Karlsen
Færvik, Norway
Per Olaf Finstad
Lunner, Norway
Thomas Tyldum
Verdal, Norway
O.Rasmussen Konsulent & Utleietjenester
Ågotnes, Norway
Oddvar Øvretveit
Kiwa Norge
VERDAL, Norway
Marine Consulting As
Stordal, Norway
Seland Consult
Slemmestad, Norway
Mikrosement Oslo
Thinc Consulting As
Funksjonell Design
Kongsvinger, Norway
Nortic As
Dag Håvard Holmemo Ekeli
Fjellhamar, Norway
Afry Consult As
Thorsen Gruppen As
Kokstad, Norway
Kvernaland, Norway
House Of Consultants As
Høvik, Norway
Drammen, Norway
Nordre Dals Fustasjeopphengsforkoblingsmanufaktur
Aamodt Mekaniske
Åros, Norway
Sandefjord, Norway
Gerhard Kristian Hertzberg
Material Testing As
Forsand, Norway
Pass Or Fail Srl
Testpartner As
Mo i Rana, Norway
Baard André Kolsgaard
Trykk-System As
Control Solutions As
Ellingsøy, Norway
Weq Consultants As
Bluestream Laser Scandinavia As
Rovig Consulting
Valva As
Sirma, Norway