Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Novartis Norge As
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Oslo, Norway
No reviews yet.
Be the first to write a review
The Norwegian Center For Child Behavioral Development
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Norwegian Centre For Violence And Traumatic Stress Studies
Research Council Of Norway
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Maan Singh Sidhu
Research Council of Norway (RCN) is a national strategic and funding agency for research activities, and a chief source of advice on and input into re...
Vitenskapskomiteen For Mat Og Miljø (Vkm)
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Norwegian Institute For Air Research
Kjeller, Norway
Norment Norwegian Centre For Mental Disorders Research
Work Research Institute
Peace Research Institute Oslo (Prio)
Top-notch research institute with many great public outreach events.
Department Of Psychology, University Of Oslo
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Christian Wighus
PSI \u003c3
Norwegian Institute Of International Affairs
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Fridtjof Nansens Institutt
Lysaker, Norway
Norwegian Nobel Institute (Det Norske Nobelinstitutt)
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Me Me
All I remember is burqas and feeling unsafe. They should make it clear Oslo is an Islamic city. I got on the next train out of this nightmare.
Norwegian Local History Institute
Diakonova University College
Veldig bra skole:)
Statens Arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (Stami)
Nils Trikken Samuelsen
Proffe folk
Cancer Registry Norway
Nadia Kjosmoen
Super viktig for kreft forskning
Centre For Materials Science And Nanotechnology
Pluricourts, Universitetet I Oslo
Institutt For Musikkvitenskap
Institute Of Health And Society
Statens Institutt For Rusmiddelforskning Sirus
Institutt For Geofag
Department Of Chemistry
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Vegard Ovland
Kjellern er kul 5/5
Institute For Defense Studies - Ifs
Vopy Technology As
Centre For Fertility And Health
Senter For Grunnforskning Ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi
Department Of Informatics
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Bino Bose
Flymedisinsk Institutt (Forsvaret)
Grei, og rask og enkel timebestilling
Department Of Physics
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Willien Stenslund
Verdens navle
Lcbc - Center For Lifespan Changes In Brain And Cognition
Nibio - Norsk Institutt For Bioøkonomi
Nislab, Norwegian University Of Science And Technology
Gjøvik, Norway
Ife Hynor Hydrogen Technology Center
Centre Of Integrative Genetics (Cigene)
Ås, Norway
Rudi Nour
Høy kompetanse meget dyktige ansatte.
Nivas Forskningsstasjon Solbergstrand
Drøbak, Norway
Peng Lei
Nice environment with comprehensive facilities for fish trials.
Hystorsys As
De Nasjonale Forskningsetiske Komiteene
Østlandsforskning As
Lillehammer, Norway
Frode Van Der Laak
Nibio Landvik
Grimstad, Norway
Roar Halvorsen
Flotte lokaler til aragementer
Norsus Norsk Institutt For Bærekraftsforskning As
Fredrikstad, Norway
Vid Vitenskapelige Høgskole I Oslo
Charlotte Krog
Fantastisk høgskole med svært kompetente ansatte og flotte elever. Ligger sentralt og nydelig til et steinkast fra Majorstuen.
Nofima Ås
Paula Capodistrias
One of the largest institutes for applied research within the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and food research in Europe.
Simula Research Laboratory
Fornebu, Norway
Martin Stabenfeldt
Join the coffee club to access high quality coffee.
Novelda As
Norwegian Institute Of Wood Technology
Jan Erik Johansen
Hyggelig besøk på avd. for impregnering og testing av bla. Imp limtre
Institutt For Kreftgenetikk Og Informatikk, Oslo Universitetssykehus (Ous)
Limno-Consult Norsk Institutt For Anvendt Limnologi
The University Marine Biological Field Station
Cato Conan Pedersen
Nydelig plass!
Statistics Norway
Jack Noch
Veldig dårlig statistikk, mest sannsynlig styrt av folk med en bestemt agenda og ikke upartiske.
The Arctic Institute
Oslo Research
Eiksmarka, Norway
Kilden Kjønnsforskning
Norwegian Institute For Bunad And Folk Costume
Fagernes, Norway
Tor Wibe
Topp service og fantastisk veiledning
Egede Instituttet
Ffi Horten
Horten, Norway
Blekksprut1 As
Heggedal, Norway
Rkbu West - Regional Center For Children And Youth
Bergen, Norway
Sars International Centre For Marine Molecular Biology - University Of Bergen
Sonata Davanger
Wonderful people working there.
Vid Vitenskapelige Høgskole, Misjonshøgskolen Stavanger
Stavanger, Norway
Vid Vitenskapelige Høgskole, Betanien Bergen
Fyllingsdalen, Norway
Relent Less
Satan så dyr kaffi
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Hawk Eagle
Det er viktig å ha slike bedrifter, som kan analysere prøver av mat og drikke, osv!
Helse Stavanger - Forskningens Hus
Norce Norwegian Research Centre As
Cessda Consortium Of European Social Science Data Archives
Sintef Industri
Trondheim, Norway
Veterinærinstituttet Bergen
Ntnu - Regionalt Kunnskapssenter For Barn Og Unge - Psykisk Helse Og Barnevern (Rkbu Midt-Norge)
Tectonor As
Høgskulen For Agriculture And Rural Development
Bryne, Norway
Ntnu Samfunnsforskning As
Ole Einar Marken
NTNU Samfunnsforskning (NTNU Social Research) is one of Norway’s largest research institutes within applied social sciences. Our research addresses is...
Institutt For Klinisk Odontologi, Uib
Mário J. Santos
Spot on Accuracy
Møreforsking Ålesund As
Ålesund, Norway
Norwegian User Support And Operations Centre
Kavli Institute For Systems Neuroscience, Ntnu
Norwegian Institute For Nature Research - Nina
Sintef Ocean
Darina Subbotina
Що в середині будівлі не знаю, але територія добре облаштована, поруч цікава інсталяція з дзеркал.
International Sustainable Development Research Society
Papirindustriens Forskningsinstitutt
Norwegian Center For Rural Research
Sintef Materials And Chemistry
Sintef Energy Lab
Sintef Fisheries And Aquaculture As
Ferrx As
Birkeland Centre For Space Science
Vid Vitenskapelige Høgskole, Haraldsplass Bergen
Øyvind Angelskår
Som institusjon ein av verdens viktigaste. Som arbeidsplass heilt konge.
Nofima As
Norwegian Institute Of Marine Research
Mycke fin stadsdel
Vid Scientific College, Diakonhjemmet Sandnes
Sandnes, Norway
Snorre Egeberg Johnsen
Bachelor programs for Learning Disability Nurses and Occupational Therapists. Some further specialisations.
Runde Environmental Center As
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Runde, Norway
Prasath Sivalingam
Best explains the surrounding and how we have littered our planet.
Katrine Vellesen Løken
Havforskningsinstituttet, Forskningsstasjon Matre
Matredal, Norway
Tage Urnes
Fint, mye kø