Kleppe, Norway
Borestranda 199
+47 40402022
On-site services
Last week (Friday) I had a private kitesurfing lesson and I had signed up for a weekend course of kitesurfing. Unfortunately it was a big dissapointment!. These guys have no idea how to run a professional kitesurfing school, or how to give professional classes. First of all they do not provide their students with fitted protection gear or provide the students with protection vests or flotation vests. Their epuiptment in general is old and malfunctioning. The wet suits provideded is 3mm and is not adequate for cold and rainy weather. The spot were they give their classes have no facilities, so when it’s raining all your things get wet and sandy. No Information about this is given prior to the classes. They didn’t inform me that I had to bring my own food, and did not offer me to pick something up before or during the classes. Transpotation to the spot was supposed to arranged but it was not, and they charged me extra. The theaching methods are not professional, they have no joy in teaching and no patience for new beginners. In my group there were 6 students and 2 instructors. They left their students on their own and were more interested in flying drones and taking photos. They expected their students to be advanced after 1 day and shouted and yelled at their students, which is ridiculous. No professionalism and no service at all. I do not renommend this kiteschool or their instructors to anybody.
Great course overall. The staff is super friendly, patient and course very skilled technically. Could do with a bit more of time organization, but definitely worth it. Cheers!
Took a weekend kitesurf course with a group of friends and enjoyed the experience very much. It is a very good introduction to the kitesurf world. Instructors are very friendly and equipment is in very good condition so it makes it a very safe journey for the ones with no previous experience.
Great experience with very nice trainers. Ot of fun!
Very nice people and good equipment
Var på 2 dagers kurs her i sommer. Bra instruktør, men var nesten ikke vind, så fikk ikke engang bodydraget på et 15 timers kurs. Da jeg tok kontakt i etterkant for å høre om jeg kunne få være med på et nytt dag 2 kurs for å lære dette. Fikk jeg aldri svar. Anbefaler å være veldig sikker på at det vil blåse mye før man betaler for dette kurset.
Deltok på to-dagers kurs en helg i juli på Solastranden. Instruktøren (Martin) var veldig imøtekommende og pedagogisk i sin tilnærming og hadde mange gode erfaringer og tips å komme med. Opplegget over de to dagene var veldig gjennomtenkt og effektivt, uten at det opplevdes som spesielt stressende. Forholdene var veldig fine: langgrunn sandstrand som var ideell for nybegynnere, flotte vindforhold, bra utstyr og en fint sammensatt gruppe elever. Kan absolutt anbefales til alle som måtte være interessert!
Takk for bra kurs på Bore og Brusand. Jeg opplevde god oppfølgning av deltakerne på kurset og god gjennomgang av teori før man testet kiting i praksis. Anbefaler andre som ønsker å prøve kiting for første gang å gjøre det hos kitesurfing.no. Instruktørene er faglig dyktige og tålmodige. Tar gjerne kurs med dere igjen :)
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