Thought this is going to be a nice working experience.. :) They sell cheapest frozen food and serve old food, as well, that has been kept for several days, - both in breakfast buffet and restaurant, as well. So be sure, that if you have eaten Coop’s sausages one day for breakfast, be sure to get the same ones (I mean, same ones, that haven’t been eaten) the next morning, and even morning after that. Salad from the same package they serve for a week, at least, if not more. Ola doesn’t even try to keep the food fresh. Even if the fresh vegetables are only a bit more expensive, they buy only frozen ones. Owners are saying that they are serving all fresh and local food, however that is a big lie. For their own frozen food (including fish and mushrooms) they replace markings of old dates to new ones. They don’t clean their rooms very well, because they don’t want to spend so much on employees, and just be aware of the toilets. They make employees clean even those only with water or not to clean AT ALL, so talk about hygiene.. Owners’ wife mostly uses just some refreshing scent to make rooms smell nice and clean, but they don’t clean them thoroughly ever. Most of the toilet seats are broken and some of the showers are even dangerous because of the broken things in them. In the bar they serve old beer, like, actually, old and sell it for like 100 NOK. Also, many of other drinks they serve old, for example wine, whiskey etc. One cup of old and cold coffee they sell for 40 NOK. \u200d️ All of the local people think that the owner is scammer, so just think, before visiting this place. Oh, and, Ola Gravier is trying to force his emploeyees to work in the night shift for 120 NOK.