Fana, Norway
Hordnesvegen 24
I was little worried that I won’t enjoy the place since I learn about it from the Snapchat account call Bergen_now !! Because the museum is not in the city but I had a really good time there! First the area it’s so beautiful! And there was some farm animals and birds. The museum when we arrived had an amazing guy who was teaching us how to make our own wood butter knife. And for the small kids there was how to make a wooden keychain. Then I went to see the boat section and it’s huge! And amazing we can touch them and read about each boat history. There was an area where about old Norwegian style and I saw a crown that for the ladies when they gets married. I learned a lot from this museum and its kids friendly. Also the coffee area super friendly people and good food.
It was a very nice experience
Cosy place for family to visit.
Great museum with excellent free guided tour. Use the skss transport app to get to the closest bus station, then google maps or similar to walk around 800m to the museum. You will go through an agricultural school keep going it is just beyond. Visit the 20 odd boats from all ages. The information is in many languages. There is a guided tour of the buildings from 18th and 19th centuries and the tour is done by the curator who loves his job. If you like the story of how people lived and to see the actual budings snd deco, this is a great place. All included in the Bergen card.
very hard to get inside. opening hours are very short
Super miejsce dla zainteresowanych folklorem i życiem zwyczajnych ludzi w przeszłości - głównie związanych z rybołówstwem, ale nie tylko. Druga część muzeum (osobny budynek) prezentuje różnego rodzaju łodzie, tę część otwiera pracownik na żądanie. Można obejrzeć tu też bardzo ciekawy film, pokazujący wyprawy ludzi do Bergen w celach handlowych (niestety po norwesku). Skansen otwarty - bez biletów. Bardzo fajne miejsce na spacery.
Hordamuseet er bygd opp for å ivareta historia til fiskarbonden i midt- og nordhordland. Her finn du gamle hus frå ulike stader, t.d. Fjellskål på Osterøy, satt opp i tilnærma historisk korrekte klyngetun av ulike slag. Eit skulehus frå ca 1870 i frå Seim i Lindås kommune. Ei smie og ein landhandel, i tillegg til ulike naust. Staden har òg rike funn frå eldre tid, deriblant ein gravhaug og tuftene til eit jarnaldernaust. Per i dag er ikkje husa opne, men ein kan ta seg ein tur i området og sjå dei utifrå. Kvar sundag kan du vitja utstillinga Fiskarbonden og Spikking i administrasjonsbygget, som òg rommar ein kafè med nylaga vaflar og kaffi, i tillegg til anna småmat. I båthallen finn du ei rik utstilling av båtar, både reproduksjonar av funn frå jarnalder, men òg fleire båtar av ulike slag, der i blant oselvar, nordhordlandbåtar m.m. Eg er innhabil, fordi eg har jobba ved museet.
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