Son, Norway
Slettaveien 21
+47 64959697
I have known Frederik and Heidi for many years now. We have shared good and bad times, and I can honestly say they are amazing friends and Chiropractors. I love their passion for life and what they do; this alone has helped me. Both Frederik and Heidi have caring hearts and healing hands, I highly recommend the services.
After 20 years of Back/Neck pain and experience from quite a few practitioners, I visited Frederik with acute pain but quite eutral\ expectations, due to all these years experience. Rarely in your life you have the pleasure of meeting someone with true knowledge and skills in what they do. Not just could he help me with the acute pain, but also in handling the real cause. It has really made a change in my life, and I can offer only the highest recommendations for Frederik !
I have had amazing results under chiropractic care! I like the office space, the attention to detail in the waiting room and the organised health talks this clinic offers. I have been to see both Heidi and Frederik on separate occasions; they are skilled and passionate chiropractors! My personal healing story has changed how I see the world! I now have more energy, better functional movement, improved sleep quality and better digestion. I highly recommend this office!
I've been getting regular chiropractic adjustments for more than ten years now, and it has really changed my life. On my visit to Norway 2 weeks ago I was in desperate need of a treatment. The receptionist in my hotel recommended Frederik and Heidi, who were able to see me within days. I really liked their unique treatment approach and I wish I would have had the time to see them a few more times.
Dedicated, competent and friendly. I've had great results, even better than expected.
Har fått grundig hjelp til rygg, kne og nakke. Ikke noe annet ville hjulpet enn denne myke \opptiningen\ av ledd, muskler og legimenter. Svært glad for at jeg traff på den kunnskapen disse to har om helheten i kroppen. Kiropraktikk på en helt annen måte enn jeg har støtt på før.
Jeg vil med varmt hjerte rekomendere Son Kiropraktikk & Helse. Spesiell vil jeg takke Fredrik som hjalp meg med å håndtere stress. Idag føler jeg meg mye bedre, har nesten ikke noe vond i ryggen. Fredrik er meget dyktig i sitt arbeid . Tusen tusen takk
Jeg har brukt Son Kiropraktikk & Helse i noen måneder nå og ser gode resultater. I tillegg til behandling har vi gode samtaler om viktige ting i livet. Frederik har gitt meg noen verktøy som hjelper meg i hverdagen. Jeg kan absolutt anbefale Son Kiropraktikk & Helse.
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